Monaco has formed a customs union with France since 1865 (the terms of which were specified in 1962) and its currency is the euro. The Monegasque GDP for the year 2020 amounts to 5,97 billion euros with a growth rate down by -11,8% compared to 2019, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In 2018, the 4 main sectors of the economy are scientific and technical activities, administrative and support services (20,3%) of GDP, financial and insurance activities (18,3%), real estate activities (11,4%) and construction (9,6%).
In 2020, Monaco had 58,087 employees, representing a very important employer in the region.
In 2020, in terms of public finances, the state budget amounted to 1,761 billion euros in spending for 1,769 billion euros in revenue.
The state budget is fed mainly by VAT (49,3%), the real estate sector, income from rental properties and revenue from public car parks (13,4%), legal transactions (11,3% from transfer duties, civil and administrative acts, insurance taxes), the financial sector (10,8%) and commercial profits (6,5%, from income tax).