Living in Monaco

The Principality benefits from an image of safety, peace and quality of life. This image expresses a reality that is tangible 365 days a year, with many events taking place all year long, and tens of thousands of visitors and workers coming every day.


An extensive program of major developments has provided the Principality with state-of-the-art sports equipment designed both for local people as well as top-ranking international competitions.

The Principality’s promotion as an international sports destination has been confirmed through the organisation of prestigious sporting events such as the Formula One Grand Prix, the Monte-Carlo Rally, the Herculis International Athletics Meeting, the International Swimming Meeting, the Monte-Carlo Open Tennis tournament, the Monte-Carlo International Show-Jumping Event, the Monaco Classic Week...

Worthy of the greatest European capitals, the Principality’s cultural entities offer diverse and high quality programs throughout the year: the Monte-Carlo Ballet Company, Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, Monte-Carlo Opera, the Princess Grace Theatre, Printemps des Arts festival, etc.

Various events such as the Monaco Dance Forum, the Monte-Carlo Television Festival, the Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival and Monte-Carlo Sporting Summer Festival, have turned into international events.

A hub of monegasque museums hold unique and original exhibitions: the oceanographic Museum, the Prehistoric Anthropology Museum, the Museum of Philately and Numismatics, New National Museum of Monaco (N.M.N.M.) in Villa Sauber and Villa Paloma, the Private Collection of Vintage Cars of H.S.H. Prince Rainier III, the Naval Museum and prestigious exhibitions at the Monaco Grimaldi Forum.


Health statistics place the Principality at the head of O.E.C.D. countries, and Monaco maintains this level in terms of prevention, check-ups and the quality of its system of care.

Medical care is provided at several facilities well-known and recognized for their excellence :

• Princess Grace Hospital (C.H.P.G.) offers local healthcare services and various key specialisations ;
• Monaco Institute of Sports Medicine & Surgery ;
• Monaco Cardio-Thoracic Center;
• Haemodialysis Centre.

A wide range of healthcare services are also offered in town, covering all medical professions


The Prince’s Government places Education at the top of its priorities in preparing the Principality’s future. A return on its on-going investments, both in human resources and in equipment, has been discernible for several decades now, demonstrated by the excellent results achieved in final examinations and later university studies.

The Principality’s educational facilities are approved as “French educational schools abroad”. As such, timetables, curricula and diplomas offered conform to those defined by the French National Education. The Monegasque education system, however, has some specific features that contribute to the quality of the education provided. These include an emphasis on teaching English classes from kindergarten to high-school, and international classes are opened from middle school. Some international schools following the American education program have “French as a foreign language”, which helps non-French-speaking pupils to integrate.

The Principality has 9 public schools: 6 kindergarten and primary schools, a middle-school, a high- school proposing general and technological studies, and a hotel and catering vocational high-school. To extand this offer, there are 2 private denominational institutions under contract with the State

Education is further completed by private structures and special entities. The International School of Monaco offers bilingual teaching (English-French) from kindergarten onwards.

Higher education is also available at the International University of Monaco (Bachelors, Masters, MBA), the École Supérieure d’Arts Plastiques which awards higher diplomas in the arts including a Masters degree, and the Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers at the Princess Grace Hospital, to prepare the diploma of State-registered nurse. The public High-school offers post-baccalauréat classes in Hospitality and service industries.